Uncanny Valley with Evergreen Lee

To celebrate the launch of Uncanny Valley: A Science Fiction Anthology we asked our authors four simple questions.

Evergreen Lee recalls the inspiration for her short story, “Like Riding A Bike”, and talks about how science fiction became a part of her life.

What was the inspiration behind your short story?

This story was written after I went to visit my parents’ house and struggled with the use of keys for their front door. My car at the time, which is also the one used in the story, had a push-button start with a keyfob, and our front door unlocked via a number pad. I wanted to explore a future where keys are an antique mechanism. The illness the main character has in the story is also auto-biographical. When I was 17, I almost blacked out when driving on the interstate, and was afraid to drive for a while. My boyfriend at the time, who is now my husband, drove me around for several months. Though I did eventually drive for myself again, I prefer not to. I will happily cede to self-driving vehicles and look forward to their arrival.

What does science fiction mean to you?

I worked in IT for over 20 years, so a lot of science fiction feels more like our inevitable future to me, than anything else. I think it’s particularly important to use science fiction to help us predict some of the less-desirable outcomes of future technology, so that we can avoid them.

What’s your favorite science fiction artwork, book, or film?

The Species Imperative series by Julie Czernada and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Androids or Aliens?

Depends on the aliens. If the aliens are friendly feline-like or equine-like creatures, then aliens. Otherwise, androids.

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